Reach Primer Teacher Edition (4-6yrs)

Reach Primer Teacher Edition (4-6yrs)


Our Primer material is designed for ages 4 to 6yrs old. Students will be introduced to the subjects of the person of God, the person of Christ, the creation account, marriage and family, 14 separate character studies, good and evil, love and hate, forgiveness, good works, prayer, and communion. Memory work includes each day of the creation account, the books of the New Testament, as well as the names of the Apostles.

Click on the link for a sample of the curriculum.

Your order covers 13 weeks worth of the Primer Teacher’s Edition material.

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Please call, text, or email before mailing your check. We need to ascertain the grade level (primer, elementary, intermediate, advanced, or graduate), edition (teacher or student), format (hardcopy or electronic), and what series of lessons you desire.


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