Christian classrooms must excel those of the secular world. ThreeStrand’s Reach Curriculum, together with dedicated, energized teachers, will do just that.
If Churches will adopt and teach the material and parents will make the commitment to see that their children are present in the local Body’s classroom week after week, expect to see significant growth in your child’s relationship to the immortal Christ. The curriculum is made to be taught in the local church, then taken home with parents to review throughout the week. Some choose to utilize the material as the religious component in their homeschool curriculum. Beginning at age 4 throughout the age of 18, a child will be introduced to over sixty biblical subjects and numerous memorization texts. Open response inquiry is included with each week’s lesson as well as a Q&A section. Unit tests are easily created and should be utilized. There are no arts and crafts included with this coursework. Those can be purchased separately, from third parties, if desired. When the curriculum is taught with diligence, you may find arts and crafts to be unnecessary.
The following link will describe the subject work as well as the age requirement breakdown of the entire course. Use these to show the families of the congregation what their children will be learning throughout the different stages of their life, if they commit to seeing that their kids are present at Sunday Bible School each Lord’s day.
This must be treated as a classroom, more so than what is offered in public school. The difference is between that which is everlasting and that which is fading away. Anything less is unacceptable for the eternal betterment of our children.
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