Reach Advanced Teacher Edition (13-15yrs)

Reach Advanced Teacher Edition (13-15yrs)


The goal of this selection is to reach the minds of 13 to 15 year old teenagers. These studies focus on the life of Christ 3.0, the cross 3.0, the resurrection 2.0, will and choice, the creation account 4.0, marriage and family 4.0, prayer 4.0, giving, hermeneutics, soteriology 3.0, eschatology, worship 2.0, communion 4.0, 4 additional character studies, polity 3.0, ancient near-eastern culture, the Law, the kings, the prophets, poetry, the captivity, the rebuilding, first century Church history, liberalism – legalism 2.0, discipleship 3.0, wisdom literature, the parables, fellowship 2.0, false doctrines 3.0, addiction 3.0, the angelic host, Satanic forces, Satan’s strategy, the Kingdom of God 2.0, the Church 2.0, and personal evangelism. Also included is the memory work; the plan of salvation, the nine conversions, the Revelation churches, as well as all verses pertaining to Christian baptism.

See the link to view a sample of the course.

Your order covers 13 weeks worth of the Advanced Teacher’s Edition curriculum.

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