Reach Intermediate Student Edition (10-12yrs)

Reach Intermediate Student Edition (10-12yrs)


Developed for ages 10 through 12, this content features the topics of the creation account 3.0, marriage and family 3.0, bible fundamentals, how to study God’s Word, bible chronology, archaeology, addiction 2.0, 6 additional character studies, the life of Christ 2.0, the cross 2.0, soteriology 2.0, the Kingdom of God, prayer 3.0, communion 3.0, discipleship 2.0, righteousness and holiness, polity 2.0, the oneness of God, false doctrines 2.0, the resurrection, the advent, judgment, sin and guilt, and liberalism – legalism. Additionally, the twelve tribes of Israel, the major Old Testament festivals, the fruit of the Spirit, bible fundamentals, bible chronology, and the beatitudes will be marked out as memory work.

Follow the link for a sample of the material.

Your order covers 13 weeks worth of the Intermediate Student’s Edition curriculum per individual child. You may purchase as a master copy to make duplicates within the Church body or family.

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